Thursday, November 22, 2018

Downloading all of Hackage

Summary: I wanted to download the latest version of every package in Hackage. Here's a script and explanation of how to do it.

Imagine you want the latest version of every package on Hackage. I found two tools that mirror every version of every package:

  • Using hackage-mirror you can do hackage-mirror --from="" --to="C:/hackage-mirror". But this project is long deprecated and doesn't actually work anymore.
  • Using hackage-mirror-tool you might be able to do it, but it requires a new Cabal, isn't on Hackage, doesn't seem to work on Windows and doesn't say whether it downloads to disk or not.

Given it's a fairly simple problem, after investigating these options for an hour, I decided to cut my losses and write a script myself. Writing the script took a lot less than an hour, and I even wrote this blog post while the download was running. The complete script is at the bottom of this post, but I thought it might be instructive to explain how I went about developing it.

Step 0: Set up my working environment

I created a file named Download.hs where I was writing the source code, used ghcid Download.hs in a VS Code terminal to get fast error feedback using Ghcid, and opened another terminal to execute runhaskell Download.hs for testing.

Step 1: Find where a download link is

You can download a package from Hackage at You can also use https, but for my purposes and bulk downloading I figured http was fine. I hunted around to find a link which didn't contain the version number (as then I wouldn't have to compute the version number), but failed.

Step 2: Find a list of package versions

Looking at the cabal tool I found the cabal list --simple command, which prints a big list of packages in the form:

foo 1.0
foo 2.1
bar 1.0

For each package on Hackage I get all versions sequentially, with the highest version number last. I can execute this command using systemOutput_ "cabal list --simple" (where systemOutput_ comes from the extra library).

Step 3: Generate the list of URLs

Now I have the data as a big string I want to convert it into a list of URL's. The full pipeline is:

map (toUrl . last) . groupOn fst .  map word1 . lines

Reading from right to left, I split the output into a list of lines with lines, then split each line on its first space (using word1 from the extra library). I then use groupOn fst so that I get consecutive runs of each package (no points for guessing where groupOn comes from). For each list of versions for a package I take the last (since I know that's the highest one) and transform it into the URL using:

let toUrl (name, ver) = "" ++ name ++ "/" ++ name ++ "-" ++ ver ++ ".tar.gz"

Step 4: Download the URLs

I could make multiple calls to wget, but that's very slow, so instead I write them to a file and make a single call:

writeFile "_urls.txt" $ unlines urls
system_ "wget --input-file=_urls.txt"

I use the name _urls.txt so I can spot that special file in amongst all the .tar.gz files this command produces.

Step 5: Putting it all together

The complete script is:

import Data.List.Extra
import System.Process.Extra

main :: IO ()
main = do
    let toUrl (name, ver) = "" ++ name ++ "/" ++ name ++ "-" ++ ver ++ ".tar.gz"
    urls <- map (toUrl . last) . groupOn fst .  map word1 . lines <$> systemOutput_ "cabal list --simple"
    writeFile "_urls.txt" $ unlines urls
    system_ "wget --input-file=_urls.txt"

After waiting 46 minutes I had 13,258 packages weighing in at 861Mb.

Update: In the comments Janek Stolarek suggested the simpler alternative of cabal list --simple | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq | xargs cabal get (I had missed the existence of cabal get). Niklas Hambüchen also shares a script which can download even faster.


  1. I found myself in identical situation once. My solution was: "cabal list --simple | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq | xargs cabal get"

  2. Janek: Your solution is much better than mine! I didn't spot cabal get, only cabal fetch, so didn't go off in that direction.

  3. Evan Borden11:31 PM

    The one-liner worked for me, but I needed to add `-l` to `xargs`.

    cabal list --simple | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq | xargs -l cabal get

  4. Evan: On my BSD xargs I don't even have a -l flag - another BSD vs GNU difference I suspect - and one of the prime reasons I like a strongly typed Haskell for everything :)

  5. I've open-sourced my own version of this:

    It downloads all of latest Hackage in 77 seconds on my computer.

    I also found there that the `cabal get` solution is 80x slower (CPU usage bound) for unknown reasons.

  6. Thanks Niklas, I've put it at the bottom of the post. Cool you managed to get such a huge optimisation!
