Introduction to Space Leaks
One of the downsides of a lazy language is the possibility of space leaks. A space leak is when your program uses more memory than it should, typically because lazy evaluation is holding on to things that if evaluated would disappear. As an example, let's build up a set:
myset = Set.delete dead $ Set.fromList [alive, dead]
Consider the value myset. We first create a set with alive and dead, then delete dead. Assuming the values dead and alive are used nowhere else in the program, which values does the garbage collector consider to be alive?
In a strict language only alive would be considered alive. But in a lazy language, as we have not yet evaluated myset, both alive and dead are kept alive. You can think of myset being represented in memory as Thunk (Set.delete dead) (Value (Set.fromList [alive,dead])), instead of just Value (Set.fromList [alive]). You are storing the list of operations that will be applied to the set, rather than the result of those operations. These operations reference dead, so we cannot garbage collect it. Once we have identified the problem, we can apply strictness operations to force the value, for example:
evaluate myset
The evaluate function forces evaluation of the first part of myset. If our set data type is strict, that will force evaluation of the entire myset value. After evaluate there will be no references to dead, and it will be garbage collected. In other situations bang patterns, strict fields or seq can be used for eliminating space leaks.
Finding the Space Leak in Shake
The space leak in Shake was found over a period of a few weeks, ultimately with me waking up at 4am on New Years Day with knowledge of where an exclamation mark should be placed. However, I will present the account somewhat more methodically...
Step 1: Admitting you have a problem
The first step to fixing a space leak is the realisation that a space leak exists. My suspicion is that many (most?) large Haskell programs have space leaks, but they often go unnoticed. My first report of "memory issues" with Shake was a few months before I tracked it down. Shake is a library that makes use of user supplied rules, and in this example, the user supplied rules were far from trivial. Complicating the problem is the fact that Shake stores a list of all rules it has run in memory, which naturally grows over time. What finally convinced me that there was a problem was when several clean builds failed by exhausting memory, taking greater than 2Gb on a 32bit system.
Step 2: Seeing the problem with your own eyes

Step 3: Hit it with your tools

The results on the right show steadily increasing memory allocated to PINNED values, of type ARR_WORDS, which I suspect are bytestrings. However, the total memory usage as reported by GHC and Process Explorer far exceeded that shown in the profile. It seemed like there was something missing from the profile. I upgraded to the latest GHC version but memory still seemed to be missing. The tools were not giving me any insight - perhaps due to the high degree of parallelism or other complexities in the build system.
Step 4: Simplify
The next step was to produce a simpler example - one I could run to completion in a feasible amount of time. My standard approach is to take the full test case and remove things, checking the problem has not gone away, until nothing more can be removed - leaving a minimal test case. There are two reasons why that was infeasible in this instance: 1) With a program which naturally consumes memory over time, it is not clear if the space leak has disappeared or merely become smaller as things are removed. 2) The first reduction steps would have each taken over an hour.
After deciding reduction was infeasible, I decided to try and produce a test case from scratch (which is usually a terrible idea). The original example used many different types of build rule, in many different ways - it was entirely possible that only one particular variant led to the memory leak. I decided to start with a small example, then (if necessary) try adding features until the space leak returned. Since I had been meaning to produce a benchmark for Shake at some point, I figured I could write a benchmark test which would hopefully show the bug, and even if not, be useful elsewhere.
For benchmarking, generating a random build tree is not so useful, so I attempted to define a regular shaped but interesting dependency pattern. The pattern I settled on was parameterised by breadth and depth, where every node a depth n depended on every node at depth n+1, to a limit of the given depth, with a given number of nodes at each level given by breadth. To accurately benchmark I used the file rules, as these are by far the most common.
I found that with breadth=1000 depth=1000 I was able to exhaust the memory. In order to try and simplify the test case I tried passing flags to the test case to turn off certain features and try and make the problem easier to investigate. I was able to turn off multithreading (-j1), profile reports (--no-report), always build from scratch (--clean) and to build rules in a deterministic order (--deterministic). The final command was:
$ shake benchmark breadth=1000 depth=1000 --deterministic -j1 --clean --no-report
This command works using a released version of Shake if you install the test program (install with --flags=testprog).
With the knowledge that 1000x1000 exceeded available memory I start reducing the numbers so the benchmark would complete in a reasonable timeframe (< 15s), but use an unreasonable amount of memory (> 500Mb). I found that 100x100 gave a reasonable balance.
Step 5: Hit it with your tools (harder)

The magic flags turned out to be -xt -hy, producing the graph on the left. The profile shows STACK takes up the majority of the space, and starts to give memory usage in about the right ballpark. I concluded that the space leak must include stack values.
Step 6: Hypothesize and test
A stack in GHC is created by a thread, and a thread is typically created by forkIO. There are three reasons stacks could take too much memory - too large, too many, too long:
- The stacks might be becoming too large. I added -K1K to limit all threads to 1Kb of stack. The small test case ran to completion, without any threads exceeding their stack, so the stacks were not growing too large.
- There might be too many threads active in the program. I added logging of every call to forkIO, and every time a thread finished. I found I was churning through 1000's of threads, but at most 60 were alive at any one time.
- The threads might be keeping their stacks alive after they had finished for too long. Having eliminated the other possibilities, this seemed likely.
Looking for places threads were referenced, and thus potentially kept alive, I found a set I was building up containing ThreadIds. The set is used so that if one Shake thread throws an exception all other threads are killed immediately. When a thread started it was added to the set. When a thread finished it was removed. Under most circumstances the set was never evaluated, but simply thrown away when the build finished. This situation correponds to the example at the start of this post, and was causing a space leak of ThreadId.
I guessed that if the ThreadId is kept alive then the stack is also. As a result, leaking a small amount of memory for a thread identifier was amplified by also leaking the stack for that thread. GHC HQ could certainly modify the runtime system so that the ThreadId did not keep the stack alive, but holding on to completed ThreadIds is rarely a good idea, so I imagine it is not worth it. For more details, including a profiling showing that leaking ThreadIds does leak stacks, see this blog post on the GHC scheduler.
Step 7: Fix the problem
Having identified the likely culprit, I simply needed to force evaluation of the set at each step. The set was held within a larger data structure:
data S = S {threads :: Set.HashSet ThreadId, ...}
To always force the set, I added an exclamation mark, turning it into a strict record:
data S = S {threads :: !(Set.HashSet ThreadId), ...}
Since I had worked for days to find somewhere to insert a single character, I also added a comment, just in case I ever thought about removing the exclamation mark.
Step 8: Check the problem went away

Shake-0.4 and later contain that important exclamation mark, so an upgrade is strongly advised.
Does your Haskell program need an additional exclamation mark? Here are some you can use: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An entertaining and informative read. Thanks for sharing!
The way you outlined your general approach is very useful. It helped me chase a leak in my own code. Thank you!
This recount is absolutely classic.
Did you ever go back to this bug to find out whether it can be diagnosed with the technique in
Tom: No, I didn't. I reintroduced the specific bug above, but it didn't reappear - I think the problem is that I only evaluate the call stack on the case of exceptions, and those are common in my test suite, but only for smaller examples. I would need a big example, which runs for a while churning threads, and than reached an error - not something I tend to test. Furthermore, at that point I have an exception, so it's not clear I'd get the "right" exception out anyway.
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