Summary: I wrote a script to list all operators on Hackage, and which packages they are used by.
In GHC 7.10 the *>
operator will be moving into the Prelude, which means the Shake library will have to find an alternative operator (discussion on the mailing list). In order to pick a sensible operator, I wanted to list all operators in all Hackage packages so I could be aware of clashes.
- See the list of all exported operators on Hackage.
- The most exported operator is
, which is exported from 175 packages. - The package with most exported operators is plumbers which has 931 operators.
Note that exported operators is more than just those defined by the package, e.g. Shake exports the Eq
class, so ==
is counted as being exported by Shake. However, in most cases, operators exported by a package are defined by that package.
Producing the file
First I downloaded the Hoogle databases from Hackage, and extracted them to a directory named hoogle
. I then ran:
ghc --make Operators.hs && operators hoogle operators.txt
And uploaded operators.txt
above. The code for Operators.hs
import Control.Exception.Extra
import Control.Monad
import Data.List.Extra
import System.Directory.Extra
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Extra
main = do
[dir,out] <- getArgs
files <- listFilesRecursive dir
xs <- forM files $ \file -> do
src <- readFileUTF8' file `catch_` \_ -> readFile' file `catch_` \_ -> return ""
return [("(" ++ takeWhile (/= ')') x ++ ")", takeBaseName file) | '(':x <- lines src]
writeFileUTF8 out $ unlines [unwords $ a : nub b | (a,b) <- groupSort $ concat xs]
This code relies on the normal packages distributed with GHC, plus the extra package.
Code explanation
The script is pretty simple. I first get two arguments, which is where to find the extracted files, and where to write the result. I then use listFilesRecursive
to recursively find all extracted files, and forM
to loop over them. For each file I read it in (trying first UTF8, then normal encoding, then giving up). For each line I look for (
as the first character, and form a list of [(operator-name, package)]
After producing the list, I use groupSort
to produce [(operator-name, [package])]
then writeFileUTF8
to produce the output. Running the script takes just over a minute on my ancient computer.
Writing the code
Writing the code to produce the operator list took about 15 minutes, and I made some notes as I was going.
- I started by loading up ghcid for the file with the command line
ghcid -t -c "ghci Operators.hs"
. Now every save immediately resulted in a list of warnings/errors, and I never bothered opening the file inghci
, I just compiled it to test. - I started by inserting
take 20 files
so I could debug the script faster and could manually check the output was plausible. - At first I wrote
takeBaseName src
rather thantakeBaseName file
. That produced a lot of totally incorrect output, woops. - At first I used
to suck in the data andputStr
to print it to the console. That corrupted Unicode operators, so I switched toreadFileUTF8'
. - After switching to
I found a rather serious bug in the extra library, which I fixed and added tests for, then made a new release. - After trying to search through the results, I added
around each operator to make it easier to search for the operators I cared about.
User Exercise
To calculate the stats of most exported operator and package with most operators I wrote two lines of code - how would you write such code? Hint: both my lines involved maximumBy
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