Monday, July 25, 2016

Maintainer required for Derive

Summary: I'm looking for a maintainer to take over Derive. Interested?

The Derive tool is a library and set of definitions for generating fragments of code in a formulaic way from a data type. It has a mechanism for guessing the pattern from a single example, plus a more manual way of writing out generators. It supports 35 generators out of the box, and is depended upon by 75 libraries.

The tool hasn't seen much love for some time, and I no longer use it myself. It requires somewhat regular maintenance to upgrade to new versions of GHC and haskell-src-exts. There are lots of directions the tool could be taken, more derivations, integration with the GHC Generic derivation system etc. There's a few generic pieces that could be broken off (translation between Template Haskell and haskell-src-exts, the guessing mechanism).

Anyone who is interested should comment on the GitHub ticket. In the absence of any volunteers I may continue to do the regular upgrade work, or may instead have it taken out of Stackage and stop upgrading it.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Why did Stack stop using Shake?

Summary: Stack originally used Shake. Now it doesn't. There are reasons for that.

The Stack tool originally used the Shake build system, as described on the page about Stack's origins. Recently Edward Yang asked why doesn't Stack still use Shake - a very interesting question. I've taken the information shared in that mailing list thread and written it up, complete with my comments and distortions/inferences.

Stack is all about building Haskell code, in ways that obey dependencies and perform minimal rebuilds. Already in Haskell the dependency story is somewhat muddied. GHC (as available through ghc --make) does advanced dependency tracking, including header includes and custom Template Haskell dependency directives. You can also run ghc in single-shot mode, compiling a file at a time, but the result is about 3x slower and GHC will still do some dependency tracking itself anyway. Layered on top of ghc --make is Cabal which is responsible for tracking dependencies with .cabal files, configured Cabal information and placing things into the GHC package database. Layered on top of that is Stack, which has multiple projects and needs to track information about which Stackage snapshot is active and shared build dependencies.

Shake is good at taking complex dependencies and hiding all the messy details. However, for Stack many of these messy details were the whole purpose of the project. When Michael Snoyman and Chris Done were originally writing Stack they didn't have much experience with Shake, and opted to go for simplicity and directly managing the pieces, which they viewed to be less risky.

Now that Stack is written, and works nicely, the question changes to if it is worth changing existing working code to make use of Shake. Interestingly, at the heart of Stack there is a "Shake-lite" - see Control.Concurrent.Execute. This piece could certainly be replaced by Shake, but what would the benefit be? Looking at it with my Shake implementers hat on, there are a few things that spring to mind:

  • This existing code is O(n^2) in lots of places. For the size of Stack projects, compared to the time required to compile Haskell, that probably doesn't matter.

  • Shake persists the dependencies, but the Stack code does not seem to. Would that be useful? Or is the information already persisted elsewhere? Would Shake persisting the information make stack builds which had nothing to do go faster? (The answer is almost certainly yes.)

  • Since the code is only used on one project it probably isn't as well tested as Shake, which has a lot of tests. On the other hand, it has a lot less features, so a lot less scope for bugs.

  • The code makes a lot of assumptions about the information fed to it. Shake doesn't make such assumptions, and thus invalid input is less likely to fail silently.

  • Shake has a lot of advanced dependency forms such as resources. Stack currently blocks when simultaneous configures are tried, whereas Shake would schedule other tasks to run.

  • Shake has features such as profiling that are not worth creating for a single project, but that when bundled in the library can be a useful free feature.

In some ways Stack as it stands avoids a lot of the best selling points about Shake:

  • If you have lots of complex interdependencies, Shake lets you manage
    them nicely. That's not really the case for Stack, but is in large
    heterogeneous build systems, e.g. the GHC build system.

  • If you are writing things quickly, Shake lets you manage
    exceptions/retries/robustness quickly. For a project which has the
    effort invested that Stack does, that's less important, but for things
    like MinGHC (something Stack killed), it was critically important because no one cared enough to do all this nasty engineering.

  • If you are experimenting, Shake provides a lot of pieces (resources,
    parallelism, storage) that help explore the problem space without
    having to do lots of work at each iteration. That might mean Shake is
    more of a benefit at the start of a project than in a mature project.

If you are writing a version of Stack from scratch, I'd certainly recommend thinking about using Shake. I suspect it probably does make sense for Stack to switch to Shake eventually, to simplify ongoing maintenance, but there's no real hurry.

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

More space leaks: Alex/Happy edition

Summary: Alex and Happy had three space leaks, now fixed.

Using the techniques described in my previous blog post I checked happy and alex for space leaks. As expected, both had space leaks. Three were clear and unambiguous space leaks, two were more nuanced. In this post I'll describe all five, starting with the obvious ones.

1: Happy - non-strict accumulating fold

Happy contains the code:

indexInto :: Eq a => Int -> a -> [a] -> Maybe Int
indexInto _ _ []                 = Nothing
indexInto i x (y:ys) | x == y    = Just i
                     | otherwise = indexInto (i+1) x ys

This code finds the index of an element in a list, always being first called with an initial argument of 0. However, as it stands, the first argument is a classic space leak - it chews through the input list, building up an equally long chain of +1 applications, which are only forced later.

The fix is simple, change the final line to:

let j = i + 1 in j `seq` indexInto j x ys

Or (preferably) switch to using the space-leak free Data.List.elemIndex. Fixed in a pull request.

2: Happy - sum using foldr

Happy also contained the code:

foldr (\(a,b) (c,d) -> (a+b,b+d)) (0,0) conflictList

The first issue is that the code is using foldr to produce a small atomic value, when foldl' would be a much better choice. Even after switching to foldl' we still have a space leak because foldl' only forces the outer-most value - namely just the pair, not the Int values inside. We want to force the elements inside the pair so are forced into the more painful construction:

foldl' (\(a,b) (c,d) ->
    let ac = a + c; bd = b + d
    in ac `seq` bd `seq` (ac,bd))
    (0,0) conflictList

Not as pleasant, but it does work. In some cases people may prefer to define the auxiliary:

let strict2 f !x !y = f x y
in foldr (\(a,b) (c,d) -> strict2 (,) (a+b) (b+d)) (0,0) conflictList

Fixed in a pull request.

3: Alex - lazy state in a State Monad

Alex features the code:

N $ \s n _ -> (s, addEdge n, ())

Here N roughly corresponds to a state monad with 2 fields, s and n. In this code n is a Map, which operates strictly, but the n itself is not forced until the end. We solve the problem by forcing the value before returning the triple:

N $ \s n _ -> let n' = addEdge n in n' `seq` (s, n', ())

Fixed in a pull request.

4: Alex - array freeze

Alex calls the Data.Array.MArray.freeze function, to convert an STUArray (unboxed mutable array in the ST monad) into a UArray (unboxed immutable array). Unfortunately the freeze call in the array library uses an amount of stack proportional to the size of the array. Not necessarily a space leak, but not ideal either. Looking at the code, it's also very inefficient, constructing and deconstructing lots of intermediate data. Fortunately under normal optimisation a rewrite rule fires for this type to replace the call with one to freezeSTUArray, which is much faster and has bounded stack, but is not directly exported.

Usually I diagnose space leaks under -O0, on the basis that any space leak problems at -O0 may eventually cause problems anyway if an optimisation opportunity is lost. In this particular case I had to -O1 that module.

5: Happy - complex fold

The final issue occurs in a function fold_lookahead, which when given lists of triples does an mconcat on all values that match in the first two components. Using the extra library that can be written as:

map (\((a,b),cs) -> (a,b,mconcat cs)) .
groupSort .
map (\(a,b,c) -> ((a,b),c))

We first turn the triple into a pair where the first two elements are the first component of the pair, call groupSort, then mconcat the result. However, in Happy this construction is encoded as a foldr doing an insertion sort on the first component, followed by a linear scan on the second component, then individual mappend calls. The foldr construction uses lots of stack (more than 1Mb), and also uses an O(n^2) algorithm instead of O(n log n).

Alas, the algorithms are not identical - the resulting list is typically in a different order. I don't believe this difference matters, and the tests all pass, but it does make the change more dangerous than the others. Fixed in a pull request.

The result

Thanks to Simon Marlow for reviewing and merging all the changes. After these changes Happy and Alex on the sample files I tested them with use < 1Kb of stack. In practice the space leaks discovered here are unlikely to materially impact any real workflows, but they probably go a bit faster.