Monday, March 09, 2015

Implementing a Functor instance

Summary: Implementing a Functor instance is much easier than implementing a Monad instance, and can turn out to be quite useful.

Haskell forces all programmers to understand some details of the Monad typeclass to do basic IO, but currently nothing forces people to learn the Functor typeclass. However, Functor is much simpler than Monad, and all Monads must be Functors, so thinking more about Functor can be a nice route to understanding Monad better.

An intuitive description of a functor is:

A container whose contents can be replaced, without changing the shape of the container.

Some example functors include lists and Maybe. Both contain values, and you can replace the values inside them. In fact, most types with a single type parameter can be made functors. For example, in CmdArgs I define something similar to:

data Group a = Group {groupUnnamed :: [a], groupNamed :: [(String, [a])]}

This Group structure contains a values inside it. Sometimes it is useful to transform all the underlying a values, perhaps to a different type. The Functor instance has a single member:

fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

For the above type, we instantiate f to Group so we get:

fmap :: (a -> b) -> Group a -> Group b

We can implement fmap by applying f to every a value inside Group:

instance Functor Group where
    fmap f (Group a b) = Group (map f a) [(x, map f y) | (x,y) <- b]

Note in particular that Group is usually written Group a, but in the instance declaration we're omitting the a, to say Group itself (without any arguments) is a functor. Providing insufficient type arguments like that makes Functor a higher-kinded type class, in contrast to those like Eq or Ord which would have been on Group a.

When implementing fmap the type checker eliminates most bad implementations, so the only law you need to think about is that fmap id = id - given the identity function, the value shouldn't change. We can show this law for Group with:

Group a b = fmap id (Group a b)
-- inline fmap
Group a b = Group (map id a) [(x, map id y) | (x,y) <- b]
-- map id x ==> x
Group a b = Group a [(x, y) | (x,y) <- b]
-- simplify list comprehension
Group a b = Group a b
-- equal

In fact, the function map is just fmap specialised to [], so the rule map id x ==> x is just applying the fmap id = id law on lists. From this law, we can derive the additional law that:

fmap (f . g)  ==  fmap f . fmap g

Both these laws can serve as the basis for optimisation opportunities, reducing the number of times we traverse a value, and GHC exploits these laws for the list type.

In general, most data types that take a type parameter can be made functors, but there are a few common exceptions:

  • You have a value on the left of an arrow – for example data Foo a = Foo (a -> Int) cannot be made a functor, since we have no way to change the incoming b back to an a.
  • You have an invariant relating the structure and the elements. For example data OrdList a = Nil | Gt a (OrdList a), where all functions on OrdList have an Ord context, and OrdList is exported abstractly. Here the functor would break the abstraction.
  • You require an instance for the element type, e.g. Data.Vector.Storable requires a Storable instance to create a vector, which Functor does not allow.

The name functor may sound scary, or confusing to C++ programmers (who accidentally say functor to mean function) – but they are a nice simple abstraction.


Unknown said...

Is this a legit way to formally show that Foo doesn't have a Functor instance?

Suppose that the Functor instance for Foo does exist:

instance Functor Foo where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Foo a -> Foo b
fmap f (Foo g) = Foo (\b -> undefined)

By parametricity the function (\b -> undefined) has to work for
any types a and b. If b is the unit (), then the definition of fmap
is forced to be a constant, say

fmap f (Foo g) = Foo (\b -> 42)

Then identity law fmap id = id breaks:

foo = Foo id

lhs = fmap id foo == Foo (\b -> 42)
rhs = id foo == Foo (\b -> b)

Applying the function f where Foo f = lhs gives 42, while the rhs gives 0,
a contradiction.

Is the "By parametricity" bit correct?

Neil Mitchell said...

Carlo: My guess is the "by parametricity" bit is wrong, but if you say "by Theorems for Free" then it becomes correct - but that's only a guess. Certainly your intuition seems reasonable.